Ceremony Information


This Day Is For You

Your ceremony begins at 7:30 pm on Friday, May 10, 2024. Gates open one hour prior to the ceremony. Seating will be divided into student and guest sections on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend arriving early to secure the best viewing experience.
Water will be provided. Sealed water containers or empty, reusable bottles are permitted. More information will be available in the coming months.
Tickets are NOT required for guests. Students wishing to attend in-person must RSVP once the system goes live in mid-March, as tickets are required for entry. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis; we recommend you arrive early to secure the best viewing experience.
Tickets will be emailed to your CatMail address. Tickets are a QR code Graduates are expected to have tickets ready for scanning upon arrival. Printed tickets will not be provided.


Mortarboard graphic

Please note, regalia is
required for this event.

Bring ID

Bring your CatCard or
government-issued I.D. 

Bring Ticket

Tickets will be emailed
as QR codes. 

Bring shoes

Wear comfortable
shoes; no high-heels. 



Security reserves the right to determine the method of checks as deemed necessary.


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